A Little Reflection from Sr. Mary Michael from her personal story:
"It's This Good"
Wow! When I felt God nagging at my heart as a teen, I was afraid.
I was afraid that being a Sister would be contrary to my personality. Me being a very fun-loving person, religious life couldn't be for me (so I thought).
Then my eyes were opened. Many things happened that helped open my heart to God's Will for me. One of the most important was meeting young, fun, and happy Sisters. It made me realize that there's a lot more to consecrated life than prayers and penance. These people have fun! And they chose this life over marriage. Why?
What clenched it for me was the realization that a vocation to the consecrated life is really a LOVE STORY. Talk about a new realization. It's all a love story! It's God wanting us totally for Himself. It's God calling us to have a special relationship with Him. What a privilege! (see Mt. 19:8 and 1 Cor. 7:32-34)
And you know what? I didn't know that a vocation could be this good!
Your vocation (or calling from God) is this good, too. Ask Him to show you exactly which life He's calling you to, then put your seat belt on for the ride. Sure, there will be ups and downs (just like every life), but there is a great joy in the journey!
- Sr. Mary Michael
"Sometimes the very thing we're afraid of is what we're looking for."