Our Formation
Formation of a Franciscan Sister of Christ the Light is based on the Scriptures, Franciscan writings and tradition, the charism of our Mother Foundress, the lives of the saints, and the documents of the Church and of the Order. The Evangelical Counsels (vows), Mariology, writings of the spiritual masters, Church History, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer, and the Theology of the Body are also a significant part of our formation.
We currently have a Formation Team of three Sisters that contribute to a balanced and well-rounded formation.
Aspirants are accepted into a live-in experience as a first step to serious discernment.
Postulancy: A young woman begins her postulancy (a time where she discerns and prepares to become a novice) with a simple consecration entrusting herself to the Blessed Mother. With the reception of the MIraculous Medal, she embraces continued formation in the study of the Holy Rule, the documents of the Congregation, elements of prayer life, the Catechism, and Scripture. She will join in simple ways some of the works of the community. The duration is approximately nine months. |
A novice is one who is admitted to probationary membership in the community. She is dressed in the habit and wears a white veil. Her Franciscan cincture has no knots as she is not yet subject to vows. She receives her new religious name and strives to live what she is learning about the consecrated life. She lives fully in community, and immerses herself in the pursuit of holiness as a Franciscan Sister of Christ the Light. Her desire is to be intimately united with Jesus, who will be her Spouse.
The first year of the Novitiate is an intense year of learning, silence, prayer, and detachment from the world. It is, in many ways, a time of extended retreat and guided discernment. The second year of the Novitiate includes continued study and a greater involvement in the apostolates.
The Junior Sister professes the temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the Rule and Constitutions. She will repeat these vows annually at least twice more and then make vows for a two year period before formally requesting admittance to final vows.
As a Junior Sister, she wears the black veil of the professed and has three knots in her cincture as an outward sign and reminder of her vows.
Final Vows:
After the completion of the Juniorate, the Sister may request admittance to Final Vows. If the Congregation, after prayer and discernment, believes that the Sister has a permanent vocation as a Franciscan Sister of Christ the Light, she is admitted to Final Vows and receives a gold ring inscribed with the name of Jesus and a predicate that is added to her name. She is now a full member of the Community and the profound and indescribable graces of final profession are hers. It is these graces that will help her to live her vows faithfully until death.
Ongoing Formation:
All professed Sisters are engaged in ongoing formation throughout their religious lives. We never come to the point where there is no more to learn or understand about our Faith and our precious vocation. Personal conversion remains a daily and lifelong goal.